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R & R Drummond, Inc.
The Itemizer reduces a time consuming, difficult job to minutes and provides accurate scale drawings for your shop that are numbered, dimensioned and labeled. Costly cutting errors are prevented. Features:
- Panel, roll, and linear optimization.
- Clear scale shop drawings.
- Optimum sheet selection.
- Accounts for kerf and grain.
- Manual piece rearrangements.
- Grain control.
- Multi-view of layouts.
- Exhaustive power search analysis.
- Labels, DXF, and CNC files.
- Auto save and restore.
Comments (6)
Can I transfer it from one computer to a new computer once I purchase a newer computer?
If we need the full version of the Itemizer 9 software. What to do? What will be the cost of it? Shall we pay it online? When shall I get it? Kindly help.